
The Difference of Asian vs. European Training

To master badminton, it requires great skills within technique, physical, mental and tactics.

According to a famous saying, it requires 10.000 hours of practice to master a skill.
10.000 hours is just not 10.000 hours, each and every hour requires a high level of quality to reach the top of world badminton stage.
The style and approach to the training is very different depending on which continent you train at, yet none of them are more right or wrong as we see world class players from both continents.
In this particular article, we focus on our two national teams, Malaysia and Denmark.


The Training Methods

Key words of training in Malaysia are: quantity, stamina and long intervals.


In Denmark, the key words of training are: quality, intensity and short intervals.


Malaysian players do practice more than Danish players. The Malaysian players normally have training sessions on 3 hours, 2 times a day, while Danish players normally have sessions of 1,5-2 hours pr. day, 2 times a day.

Danish players generally practice less than their Asian competitors, therefore they demand high quality in the relatively less training hours. The time intervals on exercises are often maximum 3 minutes in a row, to make sure that the players can keep a high pace and intensity in exercises.


The Malaysian approach towards this are opposite, their time interval can often be +10 +15 or even +20 minutes in a row. Physically it is not possible to keep a high intensity throughout the entire interval, but these intervals require a strong stamina, and have a closer similarity on the intensity of matches.

The countries are more similar on exercises, naturally there can be twists in cooperated by the coach. To secure a good quality on the feeding, exercises are often practiced 2 against 1, or even 3 against 2 if it is a doubles pair.


Both countries have developed and are developing world class players with their respective system, therefore it cannot be concluded which method is the better.


In VICTOR, we advise you to try both methods and also mix them up to give you the best results in your training.